- Adobe Photoshop – Digital image editing application software
- Pixlr – Free online photo editor
- Gimp – Open-source image retouching and editing tool
Photo Editing Programs:
Online File Converters:
- Jury Images Formatter — Free image formatting for digital jurying.
- Zamzar — Converts images from various formats into other file types. Free for files up to 100MB.
- Online-Converter — Convert media files online from one format into another.
Digital Imaging Resources
Below is a list of professional photographers and digital media specialists who provide formatting and digital services. Although our resource list is screened, we do not guarantee the workmanship or the quality of work produced from an artist’s relationship with any of the resources listed below.
- Doug Baldwin
- Larry Berman (same day image processing)
- Larry Sanders (Serving the Art Community for 30 years)
- Robert Batey Photography
- ZAPPshooter.com (George Post)
- YourImageRight
- Berlian Arts/Robert Diamante
ZAPP management seeks to provide artists with access to professionals who have provided excellent and consistent service to ZAPP artists, adequate formal education and/or training in the photographic arts, and a significant record of producing high-quality photographic work as art.
If you are an imaging professional or photographer and would like to be included on our resource list, send an email to contactzapp@westaf.org with the following information:
- A resume that includes education and training,
- Three references from artists who have used your services for ZAPP image preparation
- Three examples of images you have formatted for ZAPP
- Website and contact information