ZAPP Product Updates

June 13, 2024

New Features

Added Organization Type Field to the Organization Details

  • Impact: Administrators, Internal
  • Added an Organization Type field to the Organization Details page so that account managers can identify one or more types of their organization. This will allow the ZAPP team to better understand the types of organizations using the platform.

Updated the Design of Single Show E-Blasts

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists, Internal
  • Updated the design of the single show e-blasts to make them more visually appealing. 
  • Added a feature to allow administrators to choose a custom brand color for the e-blast’s border and icons. 

Add Login Link to Deactivation Email

  • Impact: Artists
  • Updated the email sent to artists instructing them to log in before their account is deactivated so that it includes a login link and directs them to ZAPP.


$0 Purchases Listed As Refunds on Artist Transaction History Download

  • Impact: Artists, Vendors, Internal
  • Fixed an issue that caused $0 purchases to be labeled as refunds in the artists’ Transaction History download. 

Resolved Gallery Display Settings

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Adjusted the embeddable code of the Gallery add-on so that it defaults to a larger size.

Juror Scores Permanently Deleted

  • Impact: Jurors, Administrators
  • Fixed an issue that caused juror scores to be permanently deleted if removed by another administrator at the same time. 

Updated 404 Error Page with Common Image

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists, Internal
  • Updated the 404 error pages with a common image for all WESTAF platforms, including ZAPP.

Updated ZAPP Onsite Footer

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Updated the footer of ZAPP Onsite so that it displays the current year.

Previous Updates

New Features

Updated Jury Navigation & Added Keyboard Commands

  • Impact: Jurors
  • Updated the scoring and application preview windows for jurors so they can now more easily navigate the scoring window using keyboard commands.

Added Financial Report to Track Contract Fees & Updated the Licensee Page

  • Impact: Internal
  • Created a new report for the internal finance team to pull and enter the contract fees into an external financial system.
  • Updated the contract editor with payment method details and updated the licensee download report for internal use.

Automatically Send the All Events Report on the First of the Month

  • Impact: Internal
  • Set up an automation that will send the ZAPP team the All Events Report on the first of every month so it is immediately available to the finance department.

New Features

Launched New ZAPP Blog & Connection to ZAPP

  • Impact: Artists, Administrators, Internal
  • Launched a new website for the ZAPP blog:
  • Updated the connection on the ZAPP homepage to link recent blog posts to the new website.

Removed the Password Requirement from the Download Transaction History Tool

  • Impact: Artists
  • Removed the password field from the Download Transaction History tool in the ZAPP artist profile so artists can download their transactions without re-entering their password.

Added Product Type Filters to the Income Breakdown Report

  • Impact: Administrators, Internal
  • Added new filters to the income breakdown report that allows administrators to filter by product type, including Jury Fees, Booth Fees, Deposit Fees, Tent Fees, Canopy Fees, Electric Fees, Admin Fees, and Other Fees. 


Statement of Technique Not Required on Application

  • Impact: Artists, Administrators, Jurors
  • Fixed an issue that allowed artists to submit applications without completing the statement of technique, which should always be required.

Multiple Selection Drop-Down Questions Not Saving for One Option

  • Impact: Artists, Administrators
  • Fixed an issue that prevented artists from choosing one answer option for questions using the new multiple selection drop-down type. 

Inactive Users Appearing on Postcard Mailing List

  • Impact: Artists, Internal
  • Adjusted the Mailing List so that inactive artist accounts no longer appear on the downloaded report. 

Fatal Error When Using the Next/Previous Options on the Application Review

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Resolved an error that appeared if an administrator used the “Next Application” or “Previous Application” on the application pages. 

Implement a Non-Time Based Solution to Avoid Vue/Jquery Conflict

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Implemented a fix to solve loading errors when using the Event Editor.

Internal Emails Blocked as Unauthenticated Senders

  • Impact: Internal
  • Fixed an issue that prevented emails from being sent from the ZAPP system to the internal team if images were missing from a media burn.

Updated the Jury Scores Report

  • Impact: Jurors
  • Updated the jury scores report to ensure it reflects the chosen jury permissions.

New Features

Added New Multiple Select Drop-Down Question Type & Paste Multiple Options Workflow

  • Impact: Artists/Vendors, Administrators
  • Created a new question type, Multiple Select Drop-Down, that allows applicants to select multiple answer options from a drop-down list. Applicants can also filter the list by typing in their answer and selecting an option.
  • Added functionality that allows administrators to paste multiple answer options into the question editor at once. 
  • Updated the labels on all question types with clearer descriptions.


Application Editor Appears Blank After New Question

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Fixed an issue that caused the application editor to appear blank after a user added a new question, and caused the page to freeze if the user tried to delete it.

New Features

Added a New Feature for Administrators to Collect Booth Requests from Applicants

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists, Internal
  • Added the Booth Request Editor to the Event Editor which can be activated for any event with the purchase of the Booth Management add-on feature. 
  • The Booth Request Editor allows administrators to determine when booth requests will be accepted and allow them to opt into email notifications when booth requests are submitted by applicants. Administrators will also add additional instructions and build the questionnaire for applicants to provide additional information to determine booth assignments. 
  • Invited artists will see a new option on the My ZAPPlications page, “Add Booth Request” (if enabled). Depending on the settings determined by the admin, artists can submit the booth request either before or after purchasing any booth product(s). Artists will answer the questions set up by the admin on a separate page, review the details before submitting, and submit the booth request. 
  • Administrators can view submitted booth requests on the artist application page, filter the list of applications for submitted booth requests, view the Booth Request column on the Event Management table, and download a CSV file that contains the answers to their questionnaire.
  • Booth requests can also be accessed in the Booth Map tool, which allows administrators to filter the list of participants by response to the booth request.


Updated the Image Selection Workflow on the Application

  • Impact: Artists
  • Separated the application into two pages, one for answering application questions and one for selecting their artwork images and booth shots. 
  • Updated the image selection page to more clearly differentiate artwork images from booth shots and improve the overall user experience. 
  • Added the ability for artists to upload artwork images or booth shots directly to the application in addition to choosing images from the portfolio.


Updated the Saved Statement Section of the Application

  • Impact: Artists
  • Updated the section of the application that asks applicants to insert or type a statement of material and technique. Applicants will now see a dropdown menu to choose if they wish to insert a saved statement from their portfolio or type in a new one. 


Updated the Deactivation Warning Email for Artist Accounts

  • Impact: Artists
  • Updated the warning email that is sent to artists if their accounts will be deactivated. The email now provides additional context and encourages the artist to log in by the specified date to maintain access to their account.


Updated the Address on System Notifications

  • Impact: Artists, Administrators
  • Revised the address on the footer of the ZAPP system notifications to WESTAF’s most recent address, 1536 Wynkoop St, Suite 522 Denver, CO 80202. This update ensures ZAPP remains CAN-SPAM compliant. 


Improved Slow Loading Times in ZAPP

  • Impact: Internal, Artists, Administrators
  • Implemented fixes to improve the loading times on several pages site-wide. 

New Features

Allow Administrators & Jurors to View and Update Profile Details

  • Impact: Administrators, Jurors, Internal
  • Added a Profile Details page for all administrators and jurors. Users can view and edit their contact information and account details, change their username and password, choose their notification preferences, and set up their multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings. 
  • Added the account access type to the downloadable report of administrators downloadable by staff members.


Allow Staff to Set Administrator Account Limits & Updated Account User Text

  • Impact: Administrators, Internal
  • Added the ability for ZAPP staff to see all administrators listed on the licensee page and set the limit for the number of administrators allowed per organization.
  • Updated the text on the Account Users page accessible by Account Managers with the number of administrators allowed for the organization.


Updated the Account Management Feature

  • Impact: Administrators, Internal
  • Made updates to the account management feature, including: 
    • Ensured “State” data from contact info will copy over to the Billing Information table.
    • Added “required” labels for all required fields on the New and Edit User Profile forms.
    • Added “https://” as placeholder text in the website field so users know to use their full URL.
    • Added the contract totals to the Contract Table. 
    • Added a “read-only” Licensee ID to the Organization Details page.


Updated Language on the ZAPPlications Page for Started & Ready for Submission Applications

  • Impact: Artists
  • Changed the “Complete” button on the ZAPPlications page to “Finish Draft” for started applications.
  • Added “Not Yet Submitted” text highlighted in red for started or ready for submission applications.  


Event Name with Apostrophes (‘) Appearing with Slashes (/) 

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Fixed an issue that caused event names with apostrophes (‘) to appear with a slash (/) in the event search and details pages. 


Administrator Password Reset Loop

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Fixed an issue that caused administrators with duplicate usernames and different title cases to encounter an endless information request loop, preventing their ability to log in. 


Open & Click Rate Report Not Generating

  • Impact: Internal
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Open & Click Rate report from generating due to the large file size timing out. 

New Features

Allow Account Managers to View & Modify Organization Details

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Allow Account Managers access to two new pages to the Profile section of ZAPP: Organization Details and Account Users.
  • On the Organization Details page, Account Managers can:
    • View and update the main contact information
    • View and update the billing contact information
      • Note: Updates to this section will send an email notifying the ZAPP Finance team of the changes.
    • View contract history and request a renewal
    • View event history
  • On the Account Users page, Account Managers can: 
    • View and modify details for all active and deactivated account users (administrators, jurors, and Onsite adjudicators)
    • Add or deactivate all account types, which now includes the ability to create General administrator accounts for the organization.


Updated Address on System Notification

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists
  • Updated the address in the email footer for all official ZAPP notifications to 1580 N. Logan St., Ste. 660 PMB 98286, Denver, CO 80203. 


Artist Profile Page Not Saving 

  • Impact: Artists
  • Fixed an issue that prevented a ZAPP artist account from saving properly due to unnecessary spaces in the account details.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented artists from updating their medium categories.


Submitted Applications Deleted from ZAPP

  • Impact: Artists, Administrators
  • Implemented a script to note each time there is a data discrepancy in ZAPP in which an application is deleted and added a change log to track each deleted application.


Purchased Products Filter Not Holding on Multiple Pages

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Fixed an issue with the Purchased Products filter on the Event Management page that caused any sub-filters to clear if the user tried to view the next page of results. 

New Features

Updated the Design & Layout of the Weekly Show Information Notification

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists
  • Updated the design of the weekly notification that artists receive about new events and upcoming deadlines. Updates include:
    • New format with 3 key sections: What’s Hot (sponsored events), Upcoming Deadlines, and New Events
    • Updates to the email header and formatting for each section


Adjusted Generation of the Weekly Show Information Notification

  • Impact: Administrators, Internal
  • Added functionality that will automatically set the date for when a newly published event will be included in the New Event and Upcoming Deadlines sections of the weekly show information notification based on the Accept Application and Deadline dates, respectively.
  • Added the ability for ZAPP staff to set the date that a sponsored event will be added to the “What’s Hot” section of the notification. 
  • Updated the Events Report for ZAPP staff to include the dates of when an event will be included in the weekly show information notification.  


Added Account Manager as a Role Type for Local Administrators

  • Impact: Administrators, Internal
  • Allow ZAPP staff to mark administrators as account managers. This will allow the account manager to view administrator accounts and update organization details.
  • Note: This update does not affect current access for administrators and the latter part of the update is still in development.


Allowed Access to ZAPP Gallery For Archived Events

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Updated the ZAPP Gallery so that it displays for any archived event.


Updated All Important Dates to Display on the Timeline of Event Details 

  • Impact: Artists, Administrators
  • Updated the Event Details page to display the event end dates and jury dates within the “Dates and Deadlines” timeline. 
  • Administrators can determine if the jury dates should appear in the Event Details page.


Users Not Logged Out When Logged Into Multiple Sessions During Password Update

  • Impact: Artists
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from being logged out of all browser windows or devices when they updated their password.


Investigate and Fix MySQL Errors

  • Impact: Internal
  • Released global fixes to MySQL database errors.

New Features

Interactive Booth Map 2.0

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists
  • Implemented several updates to improve the functionality of the booth management feature:
    • Added the ability to download the map.
    • Added more pin options and styling to better classify and organize the map.
    • Added ability to determine the pin size to allow for more precise placement.
    • Added ability to determine what details display on the public map, including: 
      • Business or Studio Name
      • State
      • Website
    • Added the ability to access the Artist Application by clicking the application ID from the booth map assignment table. 


Updated the ZAPP Payment Receipt

  • Impact: Artists
  • Updated the layout and content of the payment receipts to outline if the transaction was a purchase or a refund, highlight all important details, and link to the refund policy for the event.


Allow Administrators to Search by Transaction ID 

  • Impact: Internal
  • Added the ability for ZAPP staff to search by any transaction ID number and artist ID. 


Added Contract IDs to Event List 

  • Impact: Administrators, Internal
  • Added the Contract ID to the Artist Editor page to easily connect artists’ purchases to the correct event.

New Features

Report to Track Open and Click Rates for System Notifications

  • Impact: Administrators, Internal
  • Added a report for staff to track the open and click rates for notifications sent by ZAPP staff to ZAPP artists.


Added Refund Policy Fields & Timestamp to Legal Agreement

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists
  • Added a Refund Policy field to the Event Editor that is required for event administrators to complete. The refund policy section will be available on the event page for artists to view. This requirement applies only to events published after the release of this feature.
  • Added a timestamp to the Custom Questions section of the application page and PDF report that allows administrators to see when the applicant agreed to the event’s terms and conditions. This will help the ZAPP team provide clear information to our third-party payment processors in the event of a chargeback or payment dispute. 


Apostrophe in Tags Causing Application Table to Disappear

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Fixed an issue caused by application tags that included an apostrophe to stop the event management table from loading. Updated the functionality so that users can no longer include apostrophes when creating a tag.


Answer Options Not Saving When Creating a New Question

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Fixed an issue that removed the answer options for radio button, checkbox, or drop-down application questions after the question was created. 


Applicants Moved From Incomplete to Started Status

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists
  • Fixed an issue that caused an artist’s application to be incorrectly moved from the Incomplete status to the Started status if they removed images from the application. 


Added Dynamic Copyright Year

  • Impact: Administrators, Artists, Jurors
  • Updated the footer on ZAPP sites to automatically update the copyright year to the current year. 


Implemented Google Analytics 4

  • Impact: Internal
  • Updated the ZAPP sites to the newest version of Google Analytics 4. 

New Features

Updated Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Workflow with Remember Device

  • Impact: Administrators, Jurors, Adjudicators 
  • Updated the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) workflow to allow users to save a trusted device and log in without entering the MFA code for 90 days. Note: This feature only remembers one ZAPP account per device. 
  • Updated the time the emailed MFA code is active from 5 to 10 minutes, and changed the cursor to default inside the MFA code field.

Updated System Notifications to Send to ZAPP Team First

  • Impact: Internal
  • Ensured the ZAPP team receives a copy of all communications sent through the system by sending emails to the address “” first.


Artists Able to Pay Jury Fee Twice with Check

  • Impact: Artists/Vendors
  • Fixed an issue that allowed artists and vendors to make an accidental purchase of the jury fee twice when paying with a check if they had multiple browser windows open on the checkout page. 

Updated ZAPP Footers for 2023

  • Impact: Administrators, Jurors, Artists
  • Updated the ZAPP website’s footer to display the current year.

New Features

Events Management Table Updates

  • Impact: Administrators
  • The event management table has been updated to allow administrators to tag applications and select/deselect all flags from the table itself. Administrators will see a new workflow for filtering applications where they can combine filters, filter by specific tags, flags, and purchased products. 


Artwork Prices with Commas appearing as “$NaN”

  • Impact: Artists, Administrators
  • The event management table has been updated to allow administrators to tag applications and select/deselect all flags from the table itself. Administrators will see a new workflow for filtering applications where they can combine filters, filter by specific tags, flags, and purchased products. 

User Alerts with Custom Links Resulting in Page Not Found Error

  • Impact: Internal
  • Fixed an issue that caused a “Page Not Found” error when adding custom URLs to ZAPP’s user alerts.

Some Coupon Codes Preventing Checkout

  • Impact: Artists/Vendors
  • Fixed an issue that prevented artists from checking out if using a coupon code with certain characters.


Improvements to Event Editor

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Irregularities in the text boxes in the event editor have been reduced so admins can include formatting in their event descriptions as desired.

Improvements to Artist Checkout

  • Impact: Artists
  • The checkout page has been edited to be more precise so that artists are less likely to accidentally purchase a jury fee twice.


Portfolio Page Mobile View Update

  • Impact: Artists
  • The new portfolio page has been updated to be more friendly to mobile view.

HTML Improved in Event Editor

  • Impact: Administrators
  • The HTML editor is now accepting basic code and appearing correctly.

Ad Images Appearing Correctly

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Broken ad images on the artist checkout page have been fixed.



New Features

Major Updates to the Artist’s Portfolio

  • Impact: Artists/Vendors
  • The portfolio page has gotten a major overhaul! Artists can now tag, sort, and organize their materials more precisely than ever before. The workflow for uploading materials has also been updated with more detailed and clear steps.

Administrator Zoom in the Event Manager

  • Impact: Administrators
  • Event administrators can now zoom in on images and view images in full screen when reviewing applications in the event manager.

JuryBuddy Image Scroll Timer Update

  • Impact: Administrators/Jurors
  • In JuryBuddy, you now have more control over the timer of the image scroll, and can select any length of time between images between 5-30 seconds.



“lol” Appearing in Applications Questions Spreadsheet – Corrected

  • Impact: Administrators
  • In the downloadable application questions spreadsheet, any commas in the answers were appearing as “lol.” This has now been fixed.